Introduction to R

PGT-605 - Methods and techniques in territorial planning and management


What is…


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. (


RStudio is an IDE (integrated development environment) for the R Language.

RStudio Cloud?

It’s the RStudio IDE that we can use directly from the browser (no installation required).

Why use programming languages to analyze data?

Advantages of analyzing data using programming languages

  • Code is a language, so we can document our analysis

  • Code is text, so we can copy and paste

  • The main programming languages for data science are open source

What does it mean to be open source?

  1. Free access.

  2. Everyone can use the best tools regardless of financial power.

  3. Students can use the same tools as professionals.

  4. You can develop your own tools.

  5. Enables an active community to exist.

Why R?

Why use R?

  • It’s a programming language with many tools for data analysis

  • It’s open source

  • It has an active community of developers

  • It’s flexible, allowing you to develop functions and packages to facilitate work

  • It’s available for free on different platforms: Windows, Linux, and Mac

  • Maintained by the R Development Core Team

Data Analysis workflow

Let’s get started with R!

After the class

  • R and RStudio installed on your computer.

  • Links for installating:

During the workshop

Study Materials (Portuguese)

Study materials (English)

Thank you!